Sabtu, 27 April 2013

How to Manage "The School Waste"

Okay, some of us of course have ever seen so many garbages around us. Waste can not be separated from our lives. Anywhere, anytime we can see so many garbages. It make us remember about global warming, but have we ever thought about it and tried to fix it? I don't think so.

First, we can see and relaize that we sometimes throw away our garbage from the car's window, then we never tried to notice about organic and inorganic garbages, and even at school we just make so much "school waste". So, I want to explain about something that we can do to manage and decrease the "school waste". There are some ways that we can do together, which is start from school.

1. Just throw away your garbage in the trash can.

     It is the easiest way that we can do. There are so many trash cans in our school, if you have just finished doing something and you want to throw it away, you just go to the nearest trash can. And throw it, if there are two kind of trash cans, "organic and inorganic" just throw your garbare according to it's kind. Why? Maybe some of us think that isn't so importan. But, it is really important actually. First, it will help another people to divide organic and inorganic garbage. If it is an inorganic garbage, it can be recycled. And if it is an organic garbage, it can be used as a fertelizer.

2. Bring a Bottle of Water from Your Home.

    Second, it also an easy way. You just bring a bottle of water from your home, it can minimize a plastic waste. Maybe for example, you can bring "Tupperware" from your home, so you don't need to buy a bottle of water at school which can be used only once.
   It will decrease a plastic waste which come from plastic bottle. Because plastic is a kind of waste which causes global warming. So through this way, you can help the world to prevent the global warming and also save your money.
   In school, maybe we buy a bottle of water cost Rp. 2.000,00. In a month we can spent around Rp. 60.000,00. If we use out bottle, we can spend only Rp. 10.000,00. So we can save Rp. 50.000,00 right??

3. Recycled Your Waste

   I think this is the hardest thing we can do because we don't care about our world anymore. There some things we can do.

3.1 Fun Frame Paper
- paper which is no use again

- nails and/or stapler
- hammer
- large tub that can fit both frames (one on top of the other) horizontally
- pestle and mortar or blender to mash up the paper to form a pulp
- old wool/acrylic/polyester blanket that can be cut up
- spray bottle
- sponge
- manual press or lots of books to press the paper down and squeeze water from the paper pulp
- paper (preferably used computer paper, as newspaper will give you bad quality recycled paper)
- something to cover your work space because this can get messy ;)

3.2 Plastic Bottle Craft.
    You can make alot of things from plastic bottle too. For example, you can make a bracelet from plastic bottle. Just cut it like a bracelet, then glue a tissue to cover it. Then paint your bracelet now!! 

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