Sabtu, 27 April 2013

5 Things, What Dogs' Feel

Dogs also have an ability to understand about the physical and emotional side of the employer. Here are a few things that could actually be felt.

1. Fear

   Shocked because we heard something in the middle of the night? The fear could be felt by the dog too. So when you want to calm the frightened dog, calm yourself first.
     Nevertheless, there is a breed of dog that is included in the guard dog breeds. So that they are actually going to protect you when you feel fear.

2. Love the other more?

     Have more than one dogs in your house? We recommend that you shouldn't love the other one more than another. Because dogs can sense this. So make sure you do not become the "partial owner".

3. Attention

     Have you always cared to your pets? Because a lot of research says that the dog realizes when they are not loved by their owner.
     If you don't give enough attention, dogs can behave recklessly to seek attention. Therefore make sure you love watching them both at the same time.

4. Sick

     The dog is a master tracker. There are even specially trained dogs to track cancer. So having a dog like that is actually not a bad idea.
     Imagine if you suffer from certain diseases and first aid kid comes from your dog. Truly amazing isn't it?

5. Sad

    The last thing that can be felt by dog is when the employer feels sad. Research shows that dogs who know about their owner's feeling will try to comfort him.
   One study puts two people and the other one crying quietly in a room. It turns out almost all dogs over to those who cry, despite the fact that the person is unfamiliar to the dog. From here the researchers also concluded that the dog does have empathy so strong

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