Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

7 Most Expensive Dogs in The World

1. German Sheperd
Who don't know about this kind of dog?? This is the most expensive dogs in the world. Beside their loyalty, their ability is incredible too. They can help us keeping our house, and all of them can be trained in a military to help police. From their ability we can know why they become the most expensive dogs in the world. Their price can reach until 230 million rupiahs.

2. Cavalier King Charles Sapniel

Woo, from their name, we can see that this kind of dogs is including a 'expensive dogs' too. This kind of dogs is the most popular dogs among the kings. Physically they are really gracefully and have a long ears. Their fur is really soft, so they need a 'special handing'. Some people said that this dogs usually use a shampoo or soap which like their owner has. Their price can reach until 134 million rupiahs.

3. Samoyed
Samoyed, is a really beautiful dogs. This kind of dogs are come from Siberia. Their fur is really thick, it can make them survive in a cold area. Of course in a snowy area. They are a smart dogs which is easy trained too. But, their price can reach until 105 million rupiahs.

4.British Bulldogs
All of us maybe have known about this kind of dogs. Their face are contorted, cute, and adorable. Bulldogs are a 'good choice' for british people who lived in the city. They also a really funny and loyal dogs. They always protect their owner too. Their price can reach until 86 million rupiahs. It is so expensive!!

                                                                                  5. Chow-chow
This kind of dogs is the most popular dogs for women, because they are really adorable. They look like a bear. Their fur is really thick and have blond color. Their legs are short and their eyes are also sightly slanted. But it will become really hard to take care of them. They have to go to bath three times a week andt. If we can take care of them, they can be a really funny dogs. Their price can reach until 81 million rupiahs.

6. Rottweiler
Rottweiler is a really loyal dogs. They are really cool, with their black fur. They can be trained as a military dogs too. But they can be dangerous dogs, because they are a 'one man' dogs, so they will obey one command only. They have a ability like German Sheperd too. Their price can reach until 76 million rupiahs.

7. Tibetan Mastiff
This kind of dogs have a unique shape. They have a short legs but their body is so big and look fat. They are really loyal dogs, they will always protect their owner. Their 'care' is easy and simple. Their price can reach until 67 million rupiahs.

So guys, now you can look how precious they are....

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