Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

Some Diseases in Dogs


   Rabies is the most dangerous disease because it can make our pets die easily. Beside it, this diseases can spread to human.

This diseases is classified into three group ;
  • Melancholium Stage which can make our dogs loss of appetite and drinking.
  • Exitatie Stage which can come for a view days, this stage will make our dogs bite everything arround them and run away until several kilometers.
  • Paraltycum Stage which can make our dog become palsied and die only for a week. It's the most dangerous stage in this classified. So if we want to prevent this disease, we can give our dogs vaccine when it was five months old.

2. Leptospirosis 

      This infection can't be underestimated, it's a dangerous disease too. The carrier of this disease is germs which are come from rats' urine. Leptospirosis is really dangerous so we need to be careful with this disease. People who was attacked this germs will get a fever, feel tired, and diarrhea.
     And the dogs which was attacked this disease have to bring to vet. To prevent this disease, leptospirosis vaccinations should given to our dogs before they was 3 months old.

3. Canine Distemper 

     This disease can be spread in all over the world. It usually attack some dogs which have a bad condition and still in the young age. this disease have a high number of death, 80% dogs die because of this disease. 
      The symptoms are : fever, restlessness, loss of appetite, diarrhea, mucus discharge, cough and pneumonia. Sometimes found red spots on the skin. And they are the signs of nerves include muscle spasms. Dogs have to get the vaccinations when they were 3 months old.

4. Parvo virus 

     This disease have a same way to spread with Canine Distemper. Only 10% dogs can survive from this disease. The symptoms are dogs will get diarrhea and vomiting due to virus attack on the digestive. This disease have a same symptoms with vomiting in human. Dog will loss their weight too. Dogs have to get Parvo vaccinations when they were 3 months old.

So, guys, we have to control our dogs' healthy routinely. Then we must give them vaccinations.

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