Sabtu, 03 November 2012

7 Most Dangerous Dogs...

     Okay, now in this blog I'll explain about "7 Most Dangerous Dogs". Cetainly, dogs is the human best friends. But not  But not all type of dogs can be easily friendly with us, although they are their master.They are....

1. Pittbull
     This is the most dangerous dogs in the world. They can kill human if they feel disturbed and they can do anything to protect their territorial too. But, be careful with this kind of dogs, even if you are the owner of this dogs. Because they can also attack their master and suddenly become aggressive with us.
     It isn't a secret again that this dogs can tear your meat. Because of their huge body and sharp teeth. This kind of dogs are usually used as a police's dogs or they are trained in a Army Academy.

2. Rottweilers

     Who don't know about this kind of dogs? Some of us of course know about this kind of dogs. Rottweilers is a kind of dogs which is very popular. Some of them also participate in some contests or maybe we've ever seen them in a training. But behind their nice body structure, they are an aggressive dogs. 
     This kind of dogs really protect their territorial area. Rottweiler can attack anyone to protect their owner. And they can kill a human too because of they're very strong and huge. And there were some cases because of this dogs.

3.German Shepherds

     German Shepherds which usually knows as "Herder" is also dangerous. This kind of dogs always "alert" with anything. But this dog never feel fear, they can kill someone if they feel threatened. But this dogs are really faithful.
     They consider as "one man" dog because they are very obedient with an owner only. So, if there were 4 people in a family, German Shepherd will be obedient with one person only. So, it will be hard to train this kind of dogs.

 4. Huskies

     This kind of dogs have a really beautiful fur. They almost like a wolf with a thick fur, pointed nose, and body structure. They are also considered as a faithful dogs.
     Huskies, they are not a really good "guard" actually because they're really temperament dogs. They can attack the other unknown people wildly, and they can kill them. Huskies, isn't "one man" dogs, so it can be trained easily. But in 1979 until 1997, there were 15 bad cases  of human  death which caused of Huskies

5. Doberman Pinschers
     Doberman is a kind of dogs which is dangerous. Like German Shepherd, they also a "one man" dogs. They consider as the best "guard" in this world. Doberman is famous because of their faithful and easy-training.
     But, be careful, they can kill human easily because of their strength and their sharp teeth when they feel disturbed. Most of them are trained in an Academy Military and used as a police's dogs. Doberman always attack when they feel in danger, or to protect their owner.

6. Chow-chow

     Maybe some of us are deceived by their funny face. When we looked at them, we will think that they are a really friendly dogs and an easy-trained dogs. But don't even forget that they include as one of the most dangerous dogs too. They are "one man" dogs, so it will be hard to train them, because they just obey with one person.
     They can attack people and be an aggressive dogs, if they live and grow in a wrong family. "Wrong family" means that the family have never trained them nicely or always do something rough with them. So, they can do something like their "wrong family" done to them. Beside it, they always attack people which infiltrate to its area.

7. Dalmantian
     Who don't know about this kind of dogs? We can see them in a film "Dalmantian 101". Maybe we think that they are a kind of easy-trained dogs, but actually they aren't a really friendly dogs. They aren't so clever but they are a faithful dogs.
     This kind of dogs is usually attack people which is "strange" for them. But their attack is usually given to the people which want to do something bad to their owner. They are a really sensitive dogs, but sometimes they can be a really aggressive dogs, even to their owner.