Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

Ten Most Loyal Dogs

     Dogs is Human's best friend, I think it's not an excessive statement. We can see so many film about dogs' loyalty, for example Hachiko Monogatari and Lessie. But there are some dogs which have a really big loyalty, in my second post I'll show you "Ten Most Loyal Dogs".


     Collie is a types of dogs which came from Scotland. They are really tame, clever, but sometimes they are too protective to their owner. We can teach them easily how to shake hand, rolling or sit. But they are not too friendly to the other people or pets, because they can be jealous easily.
     Collie has two variants based on length of hair. The first variant is called Rough (long hair) and the second is Smooth (short hair). Based on their popularity, collie is divided into two variants. They are American and England.
     Do you know : Collie is the cleverest dogs in this world, they can understand 200 words in a short time. I can tell you so many story about Collie because actually I have this kind of dogs. And it is interesting!!

German Shepherd

   German Shepherd is a really aggressive and dangerous dogs because they want to protect their master only. This dogs are known as "Herder" in Indonesia. This kind of dogs is usually used in a military organization, as a Polices' Dogs.
   This kind of dogs was pioneered by Max von Stephanitz. In 1899, he tried to mix some of German Dogs and he produced German Shepherd . Actually he could make a kind of dogs which can be useful in military, such as tracking, maintaining, send messages, even mine detection.


   Labradosr came from New Foundland and really popular in America, they are tame, clever, and interesting pet. Labrador is 'safe' for children because they are not an aggressive dogs. But they will attack the strangers who will do something bad to their owner (they have a really sensitive feeling). 
     This kind of dogs love swimming and playing with their owner. But they have a bad attitude like, they like to steal some foods in the table, so this dogs have to be trained continuous. This kind of dogs sometimes have a problem with their hip because of their huge body.


       Brittany is known as Epagneul Breton, the ancient dog came from France. Their ancestor came from Spain. This kind of dog is really enthusiastic with everything, so it can make Brittany hard to be trained. But their loyalty to their owner is so big, Brittany always follow their owner whenever they go. They also have a special 'eyes' which can make us falling in love with them.
    Brittany's characteristic (
enthusiastic) make them used as hunters' partner. They can helps the hunter (their owner) to find some deers or squirrel and they can protect their owner from bear or tiger.


     Who don't know about beagle, they are very naughty pet I think. Beagle came from England, they are the smallest dogs from "Dog Hunter Families". But their small body make their nose is nearer with land so they can smell better than the other dogs. Beagle is used as a tracker and some of them are used in police academies too.
     This kind of dog is really love their owner, they can know when their owners was sad or happy. This kind of dogs have a big curious feeling, they like to go outside to find something new. So, the as an owner, we have to watch at them all day. If we don't notice them, they can be lost because some of they can't remember their way home easily.

     Boxers came from German, and it is the first dogs which were used by police. Boxers is really great in hunting and very faithful. Boxers is a descendants of Barenbeisser and Bullenbeiser. This kind of dogs was gotten from English Bulldog and Mastiff hybrid in XIX century.
   Boxers is a dangerous dogs, because they are really aggressive, but this kind of dogs love playing, swimming, and it is not too dangerous for children's owner. Boxers can help their owner to take care their children.


     Maybe "Kuvasz" is a foreign name for us. It came from Hungaria, in Turkish "Kuvasz" means safety. This kind of dogs love sport and sometimes they run beside a horse. That's interesting, isn't it? Their face look like Golden Retriever, but their body can grow up bigger than a Labrador.
   They are really beautiful, clever, and funny. Kuvasz also like playing with ball, or swimming. They are very faithful and like to be the "center of attention".


        Dachshund came from German. Because of their long body and short legs, they were called as a "Sausages Dogs" or "Hot Dog" in America. In German they were called "Dackel or Teckel". And in Indonesia it was popular as a "Tekel".
     This sausages are really funny and clever, easy to train. They like to sniff, chase some beavers, and the other animal which live in a holes in the ground like rabbit. Their average weight is only 7 - 12.7 kilograms.

St Bernard
   St. Bernard is a kind of dogs which was used as rescuer. The male can grow until 68 - 90 kilograms. St Bernard is famous because of  their loyalty, and they are really tolerant with children or the other animals, so those are the reasons why this kind of dogs is very suitable as a pet. St. Bernard can be a watchdog because of their huge body.
    The most popular St. Bernard is Barry which has saved more than 40 people in a mountain. A monument had built for Barry in Cimetiere des Chiens, and His body was buried in a history museum in Bern, the capital of Swiss. The other popular St. Bernard named Beethoven which played in a film "Beethoven".

Yorkshire Terrier

    This little dogs came from England which is usually used in circus because they are easy to train. The small head is rather flat on the top, with a medium sized muzzle. 
     They are very faithful dogs, they even brave to challenge the other animals which is bigger than them to protect their owner. But they have to go to salon twice a week, because they have a long hair.