Sabtu, 03 November 2012

7 Most Dangerous Dogs...

     Okay, now in this blog I'll explain about "7 Most Dangerous Dogs". Cetainly, dogs is the human best friends. But not  But not all type of dogs can be easily friendly with us, although they are their master.They are....

1. Pittbull
     This is the most dangerous dogs in the world. They can kill human if they feel disturbed and they can do anything to protect their territorial too. But, be careful with this kind of dogs, even if you are the owner of this dogs. Because they can also attack their master and suddenly become aggressive with us.
     It isn't a secret again that this dogs can tear your meat. Because of their huge body and sharp teeth. This kind of dogs are usually used as a police's dogs or they are trained in a Army Academy.

2. Rottweilers

     Who don't know about this kind of dogs? Some of us of course know about this kind of dogs. Rottweilers is a kind of dogs which is very popular. Some of them also participate in some contests or maybe we've ever seen them in a training. But behind their nice body structure, they are an aggressive dogs. 
     This kind of dogs really protect their territorial area. Rottweiler can attack anyone to protect their owner. And they can kill a human too because of they're very strong and huge. And there were some cases because of this dogs.

3.German Shepherds

     German Shepherds which usually knows as "Herder" is also dangerous. This kind of dogs always "alert" with anything. But this dog never feel fear, they can kill someone if they feel threatened. But this dogs are really faithful.
     They consider as "one man" dog because they are very obedient with an owner only. So, if there were 4 people in a family, German Shepherd will be obedient with one person only. So, it will be hard to train this kind of dogs.

 4. Huskies

     This kind of dogs have a really beautiful fur. They almost like a wolf with a thick fur, pointed nose, and body structure. They are also considered as a faithful dogs.
     Huskies, they are not a really good "guard" actually because they're really temperament dogs. They can attack the other unknown people wildly, and they can kill them. Huskies, isn't "one man" dogs, so it can be trained easily. But in 1979 until 1997, there were 15 bad cases  of human  death which caused of Huskies

5. Doberman Pinschers
     Doberman is a kind of dogs which is dangerous. Like German Shepherd, they also a "one man" dogs. They consider as the best "guard" in this world. Doberman is famous because of their faithful and easy-training.
     But, be careful, they can kill human easily because of their strength and their sharp teeth when they feel disturbed. Most of them are trained in an Academy Military and used as a police's dogs. Doberman always attack when they feel in danger, or to protect their owner.

6. Chow-chow

     Maybe some of us are deceived by their funny face. When we looked at them, we will think that they are a really friendly dogs and an easy-trained dogs. But don't even forget that they include as one of the most dangerous dogs too. They are "one man" dogs, so it will be hard to train them, because they just obey with one person.
     They can attack people and be an aggressive dogs, if they live and grow in a wrong family. "Wrong family" means that the family have never trained them nicely or always do something rough with them. So, they can do something like their "wrong family" done to them. Beside it, they always attack people which infiltrate to its area.

7. Dalmantian
     Who don't know about this kind of dogs? We can see them in a film "Dalmantian 101". Maybe we think that they are a kind of easy-trained dogs, but actually they aren't a really friendly dogs. They aren't so clever but they are a faithful dogs.
     This kind of dogs is usually attack people which is "strange" for them. But their attack is usually given to the people which want to do something bad to their owner. They are a really sensitive dogs, but sometimes they can be a really aggressive dogs, even to their owner.

Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

Ten Most Loyal Dogs

     Dogs is Human's best friend, I think it's not an excessive statement. We can see so many film about dogs' loyalty, for example Hachiko Monogatari and Lessie. But there are some dogs which have a really big loyalty, in my second post I'll show you "Ten Most Loyal Dogs".


     Collie is a types of dogs which came from Scotland. They are really tame, clever, but sometimes they are too protective to their owner. We can teach them easily how to shake hand, rolling or sit. But they are not too friendly to the other people or pets, because they can be jealous easily.
     Collie has two variants based on length of hair. The first variant is called Rough (long hair) and the second is Smooth (short hair). Based on their popularity, collie is divided into two variants. They are American and England.
     Do you know : Collie is the cleverest dogs in this world, they can understand 200 words in a short time. I can tell you so many story about Collie because actually I have this kind of dogs. And it is interesting!!

German Shepherd

   German Shepherd is a really aggressive and dangerous dogs because they want to protect their master only. This dogs are known as "Herder" in Indonesia. This kind of dogs is usually used in a military organization, as a Polices' Dogs.
   This kind of dogs was pioneered by Max von Stephanitz. In 1899, he tried to mix some of German Dogs and he produced German Shepherd . Actually he could make a kind of dogs which can be useful in military, such as tracking, maintaining, send messages, even mine detection.


   Labradosr came from New Foundland and really popular in America, they are tame, clever, and interesting pet. Labrador is 'safe' for children because they are not an aggressive dogs. But they will attack the strangers who will do something bad to their owner (they have a really sensitive feeling). 
     This kind of dogs love swimming and playing with their owner. But they have a bad attitude like, they like to steal some foods in the table, so this dogs have to be trained continuous. This kind of dogs sometimes have a problem with their hip because of their huge body.


       Brittany is known as Epagneul Breton, the ancient dog came from France. Their ancestor came from Spain. This kind of dog is really enthusiastic with everything, so it can make Brittany hard to be trained. But their loyalty to their owner is so big, Brittany always follow their owner whenever they go. They also have a special 'eyes' which can make us falling in love with them.
    Brittany's characteristic (
enthusiastic) make them used as hunters' partner. They can helps the hunter (their owner) to find some deers or squirrel and they can protect their owner from bear or tiger.


     Who don't know about beagle, they are very naughty pet I think. Beagle came from England, they are the smallest dogs from "Dog Hunter Families". But their small body make their nose is nearer with land so they can smell better than the other dogs. Beagle is used as a tracker and some of them are used in police academies too.
     This kind of dog is really love their owner, they can know when their owners was sad or happy. This kind of dogs have a big curious feeling, they like to go outside to find something new. So, the as an owner, we have to watch at them all day. If we don't notice them, they can be lost because some of they can't remember their way home easily.

     Boxers came from German, and it is the first dogs which were used by police. Boxers is really great in hunting and very faithful. Boxers is a descendants of Barenbeisser and Bullenbeiser. This kind of dogs was gotten from English Bulldog and Mastiff hybrid in XIX century.
   Boxers is a dangerous dogs, because they are really aggressive, but this kind of dogs love playing, swimming, and it is not too dangerous for children's owner. Boxers can help their owner to take care their children.


     Maybe "Kuvasz" is a foreign name for us. It came from Hungaria, in Turkish "Kuvasz" means safety. This kind of dogs love sport and sometimes they run beside a horse. That's interesting, isn't it? Their face look like Golden Retriever, but their body can grow up bigger than a Labrador.
   They are really beautiful, clever, and funny. Kuvasz also like playing with ball, or swimming. They are very faithful and like to be the "center of attention".


        Dachshund came from German. Because of their long body and short legs, they were called as a "Sausages Dogs" or "Hot Dog" in America. In German they were called "Dackel or Teckel". And in Indonesia it was popular as a "Tekel".
     This sausages are really funny and clever, easy to train. They like to sniff, chase some beavers, and the other animal which live in a holes in the ground like rabbit. Their average weight is only 7 - 12.7 kilograms.

St Bernard
   St. Bernard is a kind of dogs which was used as rescuer. The male can grow until 68 - 90 kilograms. St Bernard is famous because of  their loyalty, and they are really tolerant with children or the other animals, so those are the reasons why this kind of dogs is very suitable as a pet. St. Bernard can be a watchdog because of their huge body.
    The most popular St. Bernard is Barry which has saved more than 40 people in a mountain. A monument had built for Barry in Cimetiere des Chiens, and His body was buried in a history museum in Bern, the capital of Swiss. The other popular St. Bernard named Beethoven which played in a film "Beethoven".

Yorkshire Terrier

    This little dogs came from England which is usually used in circus because they are easy to train. The small head is rather flat on the top, with a medium sized muzzle. 
     They are very faithful dogs, they even brave to challenge the other animals which is bigger than them to protect their owner. But they have to go to salon twice a week, because they have a long hair.

Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Dog's Ancestors

       Dogs, is a mammals which evolve from a wolf. From DNA test it happened 15.000 years ago. Now, the dog have so many variants from the tallest dogs (for ex: Great Dane) until the smallest (for ex: Chihuahua). You can also look for their differences from their fur, it's color.
     Okay, let's check the history of dogs! The oldest fossil of dogs was found in Russia and German. There are some opinions about the dogs' history too. First, it came from Vila (1997). He said "Dogs is a branching of wolfs". Second, Savolainen (2002) who said that dogs have their own gen.

   Biologists have debated over the history and evolution  of the domestic dog for hundreds of years. Most Scientists now agree that dogs are directly descended from Canis Lupus - the Grey Wolf. This is the Dogs' history....
    The Evolution Dogs from Wolves - How could Wolves be tamed and Why? 
We will never now exactly why or how wolves were tamed by man, but let's we go back to 15000 years ago. The wolf and man had several important things in common, we were hunters. The most likely scenario is that a human hunting party came across a very young Wolf Cub and decided to take it with them. The Wolf would have been very puppy like at an early age, they were tame, and not as dangerous as a wild Wolf. A semi-tamed Wolf would probably have had considerable value to a hunter gatherer group, lending its superior hunting senses to the group. This would have helped not just in hunting but defensively as a warning system as well, some of them also act like a dog. The evolution of the wolf to the domestic dog began.

      The Evolution of the Domestic Dog - Selective Breeding Process
Selective breeding would have been automatic. Keeping a wolf that became aggressive to the humans would have been both pointless and dangerous - such a wolf would have been killed. Only the remaining Wolves, with desirable traits, would have been selected to breed. Eventually the traits of each group of tame Wolves would reflect the needs of the group of humans it lived with: it's size, color, senses and even the length of its coat or swimming ability which they have. Eventually as the number of humans increased some degree of trade would have occurred between groups, puppies being swapped so the evolution and history of various dog breeds are explained.
     The Evolution of Dogs from Wolves - Descendent of the Domestic Dog 
Dr. Robert K. Wayne's explain that the modern dog, although very similar genetically to the Grey Wolf, has many separately distinct origins in both time and locations. The Grey Wolf and our modern "Human's Best Friend" are in fact so closely related to Grey Wolves.
     The Evolution & History of Dogs - The Sight Hounds 
Sight hounds, also known as Gaze hounds as their gaze focuses on the horizon seeking game, and they are have a special ability in hunting. Sight hounds have distinctive characteristics, features and traits which are perfect for their purpose. Sight hounds have extremely good vision. They also have a long jaw and a long neck which really useful for them. Their lean muscular body, deep chest and long powerful legs essential assets when following any fast preys.

      Dogs History - The Scent Hounds
Scent Hounds special in following the scent or the smell. It was not necessary for Scent Hounds to be as fast and agile as Sight hounds - they do not need to keep their quarry in sight. They can follow a scent for long distances and even across running water. Scent Hounds have distinctive characteristics, features and traits which are perfect for their purpose. They have large noses which have deep, open nostrils and their lips are loose and moist, designed to pick up scent particles and follow the trail of an animal. Their ears are long which concentrates the scent on the nose. Their bodies are designed for endurance, an essential asset when following any scent trail. Because of that reason, they are very useful in military. 

Dogs Evolution and History - Sporting Dog Breeds  - Retrievers, Pointers and Setters Sporting Dogs hunt by air scent, as opposed to ground scent. The Retriever, Pointer and Setter dogs were bred selectively which resulted in them fulfilling the needs of man. Retriever dogs was found and they were really useful for the hunter. Some Retrievers are especially equipped, for instance with a water-repellent coat and webbed feet, for retrieving downed waterfowl. Pointer dogs stand in front of their preys, with their nose and body rigidly still , they will show the hunter to its location. Setter dogs were originally trained to set a trap, in front of game preventing the escape of the preys. The hunter would make the capture with a net. Man's own evolution and development in technology moved the traditional hunting methods away from primitive tools and nets - the Sporting Dogs were then called the Gundogs. 

     Dogs History and Evolution - The Terrier Dog Breeds
Dogs in the Terrier group were developed to hunt and kill vermin. The vermin included control rats, mice and other predatory animals such as foxes that might disturbed a farmer's produce and livestock. The very nature of these tasks required an energetic, tenacious, brave and determined dog. 

     The History of Dogs - The Non-Sporting Breeds
The characteristics and features of Non-Sporting Dogs cannot be generalized. Each breed would have originally have been introduced and strengthened by breeding with animals who already demonstrated the desired traits.
They only use as a pet which can make their owner satisfied, for example, they can attend some dogs' shows, as a circus player, etc. 

     The History & Evolution of Dogs - Dog Shows 
Man's passion and pride in his dog led to the desire to show his dog and compare it to other breeds. The organized dog shows were therefore born in the middle of the 19th Century. The dogs were unidentified except for their kennel names! This led to real confusion - there were quantities of dogs with the same names - Rover, Spot etc which were insufficiently described according to their breed or type. Organization was required - descriptions and breed standards were needed - the Kennel Clubs were born!